Wednesday, May 15, 2019
It has bin a VAREE looooong tyme...
Hellow, this is Tiramisu here. It has bin a varee long tyme synce I postid aneethin heer...I got varee nosetalgik todae an startid to look bak on sum of the old blogs startin wif my sistur Eclair whooz bin gone almost 13 yeers now. but i yam still heer and so is my noo sistur Lucy. wee are gittin owld now, bowf of us is abowt 14 yeers owld now but we still goin strong. I will admit i yam not so sleek and spry anee mor but i still luv my catnips and eatin the gud stuff, espeshully a bit of toona win my mom has sum for heerself tho i think she shuld let me haf it all.
We waz lookin at sum of the owld cat blogs frum way bak and it mayd my mom's eyes leek a leetle bit win she reealized how manee of our owld cat frendz haf also crossed the Bridj, but we noe they are all togithur wif Eclair agin an hafin a gud tyme. We still miss Eclair a lot but we noe we will see hur agin sumdae too.
Synz so much tyme has past we haf mooved a gazillion miles bak to Illinoiz ware my mom had alwayz lived befoor. we haf a nice houz in a qwhyet town an prettee much do wat we want cuz our mom dunt haf to go to that werk playce aneemor. She jus limpz arownd heer and iz wif us all the tyme so its varee nyce.
we miss Skeezix a lot too synz he was inflooenshul in owr adoptshun all those yeers ago. But we all is gittin owld an its hard not to remeniss abowt our yungur dayz. If anee of yoo arr still owt theer stop by an say hy to us. we luv yoo all.
Purrz and licks frum Tira and Lucy.
Monday, February 15, 2010
I am the worst blogger in the world!
Before they started to be called blogs, I was an avid LiveJournal "blogger". I almost obsessively posted at least once a day if not more. Some how I can't get motivated to do that anymore (I haven't looked at LJ in a very long time) even here in my fashion blog. Just too much else I do and not as likely to write about it. I read 3 fashion blogs usually every day but that's about it. I'd just rather be creating and playing. But I will endeavor to post my newer fashions and maybe even talk about my favorite designers. Stay tuned?
Monday, January 25, 2010
Spring Fashions
Friday, October 9, 2009
Happy Birthday John
Today would have been John Lennon's 69th birthday. How interesting it would have been to see where his creative life went..but that was not to be. His life cut short at age 40, I will never forget that day. I still recall the memorial gathering I went to on the quad of the University of Illinois campus, tears falling freely.
I remember Yoko, so small and without her lover, friend and husband. How horrid it must have been to see him gunned down by a psychopath who shall ever remain nameless as he rots in prison.
But today in SL a very special ceremony will take place. The Imagine Peace tower which Yoko created in real life in Iceland, has been recreated in SL by Bernard Herzog, sponsored by Yoko and will be officially opened today by Yoko herself. I was honored to have been able to create a black suit, like one she has worn in RL, for her. I was stunned yesterday to receive an IM from Yoko thanking me. I look forward to being at the ceremony today.
Pictures to come later.
I am thinking of wearing this new outfit...
I remember Yoko, so small and without her lover, friend and husband. How horrid it must have been to see him gunned down by a psychopath who shall ever remain nameless as he rots in prison.
But today in SL a very special ceremony will take place. The Imagine Peace tower which Yoko created in real life in Iceland, has been recreated in SL by Bernard Herzog, sponsored by Yoko and will be officially opened today by Yoko herself. I was honored to have been able to create a black suit, like one she has worn in RL, for her. I was stunned yesterday to receive an IM from Yoko thanking me. I look forward to being at the ceremony today.
Pictures to come later.
I am thinking of wearing this new outfit...

Fashion Influences
Since I am actually making a bit of money now with my designs in Second Life, I feel its part of my "job" to stay abreast of the trends. I am not quite in the head space to get into fall clothing trends the previous spring...but I'll have to work on that. I have just been looking at the fall shows of various designers that actually took place last spring! I'm inspired by many, disappointed by some, and puzzled by others...I love the concept of clothing as art but personally I want to design wearable pieces that someone would want to have. So far this season the Fall 2009 Collection of Louis Vuitton has caught my eye and made me drool! I love the textures, colors and playfulness of this collection! I am going to try to let it inspired me and not just copy it. But its a lot of fun to try to recreate RL fashion in SL, the exact translation isn't always possible given the limitations of the avatar mesh and prim attachements. There for I don't always feel bad for trying to reproduce something I've I did with a dress by Zac Posen last year.
Here are some of LV's looks that I like...

I have also found that I may really like something a designer is doing in one season and not in another. Alice Temperley of London is one such.
Other faves of mine include Stella McCartney, Zac Posen, Ralph Lauren....and I will have to continue this post later as its almost 4am and I need to sleep!!
Here are some of LV's looks that I like...

I have also found that I may really like something a designer is doing in one season and not in another. Alice Temperley of London is one such.
Other faves of mine include Stella McCartney, Zac Posen, Ralph Lauren....and I will have to continue this post later as its almost 4am and I need to sleep!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Fall Palette and Separates

I find myself instinctively, viscerally drawn to these colors this fall. They are rich but muted tones, that have a comfort about them. They evoke the changing seasons; the brilliant colors of the decay of fall, the transition into the bareness before the winter snows fly, and the coziness of a blazing hearth and the sights and sounds of
the winter holidays.
I'm still contemplating the dresses of my collection but I am actively developing separates in this palette. I have just completed some cowl neck sweaters which can be paired nicely with my "motorcycle" jeans or my tai chi pants.

More to come....
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